Postman: Creating a workspace

Profile picture for user arilio666

A workspace in postman allows us to allocate share and work with the team and share the API projects we have been working on with our workspace.

  • It is kind of like a space for our selected team to work on a similar project.
  • Within this workspace, we can create APIs, collections, environments, etc.
  • After installing postman we are taken to a default workspace but that's not it. we can create more workspace with our custom name and assign teammates to it to work together.

As of this article, the postman version which is currently used is version 9.0.9

  • On the default homepage click on the workspace tab on top and click on the new workspace.

  • You will be taken to this place where we are needed to enter the workspace name of our convenience.

  • A summary can be anything related to the topic of the workspace the project is based on.
  • Visibility is up to us too it can be personal which only we can access or teams of people where we can assign them to this workspace.
  • It can also be public where anyone across the globe can view our workspace and make changes.
  • We can bulk invite people too by adding the list of people into the inviting place which will invite a large number of people in bulk.
  • When you are finally done altering these you can click create workspace and team.

  • There you go workspace is now created and is ready to be worked upon here in this instance I have created a team workspace.
  • So this is how we can set up a workspace in postman which is a very useful thing in collaboration and sharing.