Oracle: Difference between Natural join and Inner Join

we have two tables Stu and marks as shown below:

Stu table:

natural join vs inner join

marks table:

natural join vs inner join

Now, follow the the points to understand difference between Natural Join and Inner Join:

SyntaxSelect Column from Table_Name Table1 Natural Join Table2;Select Column from Table_Name Table1 Inner Join Table2 on Table1.Column=Table2.Column;
Common ColumnsIn Natural Join, there is no need to mention the common columns. The tables are joined considering the column on basis of name and datatype.In Inner join, there is a need to explicitly mention the common columns specified on ON Clause.
DuplicatesIn Natural join, when we execute a query, there is never a duplicate entry given to common columns.In Inner join, we always have a duplicate entry given to a common column.
Exampleselect * from Stu natural Join marks;select * from Stu s inner join marks m
on s.Roll_no=m.Roll_no;


natural join vs inner join

Output of INNER JOIN

natural join vs inner join