Handle Dynamic Dropdown in Playwright Java

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This article will show how we can handle dropdowns without a select tag using playwright java. Earlier, we discussed the Playwright selectOption method to handle Playwright's basic <select> dropdown. 

The selectOption method throws an error if the target element is not an <select>. Let's discuss how to handle dynamic dropdowns or select an option when the select option is not available.

Let's select the country Aruba from the bootstrap country dropdown here.

        Locator countries = page.locator("//div[@role='combobox']");
        List<String> allInnerTexts = countries.allInnerTexts();
  • We can see here it got all the texts from the locator.
  • Now we can iterate it through advanced for loop.
        for (String innerTexts : allInnerTexts) {
            if (innerTexts.contains("Aruba")) {
  • Doing this will select the specified country with the help of a simple if statement.
  • This is how we can select from the dynamic dropdown using playwright java.