Difference Between UISpy and Inspect Exe

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This article will explain the differences between uispy and inspect, a tool to get UI elements.


UISpy is a .NET program that uses  .NET's UIAutomation assemblies which were introduced with  .NET framework 2.

Inspect is more of a native program that uses UIAutomationCore.dll, which is available in the system directory.
UIAutomationCore is a native window DLL used to perform windows UI automation.


UISpy has the most common tree-like layout where we can get all the attributes listed on the side.

Inspect exe has a title bar, menu bar, toolbar, tree view, and data view.


In UISpy, we can inspect using the branch icon and write XPath based on the UI elements.

In Inspect, we can use the red dot to navigate the window UI and get the element.


UISpy is now obsolete and no longer in use.

Inspect is the recommended replacement.