Introduction to YWinAppDriver

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In this article, we will see the origin of YWinAppDriver.


Initially called the winappdriver, an UI automation tool by Microsoft, and now there is an open-source implementation by the same team called YWinAppDriver.


YWinAppDriver is compatible with w3c and selenium JSON wire protocols, so migration from winappdriver to YWinAppDriver can be easy.

WinAppDriver Prodigy:

  • Microsoft UI Automation or UIA is the user interface that allows access to users to manipulate the UI by any means winappdriver uses UIA too.
  • Microsoft opened the core parts of winappdriver as in 2018.
  • This was made so that it was targeted to the WinUI project, and later on, with this, it developed its automation infrastructure.

Birth Of YWinAppDriver:

  • YWinAppDriver was born as an open-source winappdriver with a combination of Microsoft.Windows.Apps.Test library and winUI infrastructure.
  • The main aim was to allow users to extend their functionality.
  • The execute endpoint is used to execute javascript and is supported by selenium and appium clients.