Python: Arithmetic Operators

Arithmetic Operators are used to perform mathematical operation like addition, multiplication, division, subtraction, etc.

Addition(+)Add two operands.a+b
Subtraction(-)Subtract two operands.a-b
Multiplication(*)Multiply two operands.a*b
Division(/)Divides the first operand by the second.a/b
Modulus(%)It returns the remainder when first operand is divided by the second.a%b
Exponentiation(**)It returns first raised to power second.a**b
Floor division(//)It divides that results into whole number adjusted to the left in the number line.a//b


a = 4
b = 3

c = a+b
print("Addition: c = ",c)

c = a-b
print("Subtraction: c = ",c)

c = a*b
print("Multiplication: c = ",c)

c = a/b
print("Division: c = ",c)

c = a%b
print("Modulus: c = ",c)

c = a**b
print("Exponentiation: c = ",c)

print("FloorDivision: c = ",c)


ddition: c =  7
Subtraction: c =  1
Multiplication: c =  12
Division: c =  1.3333333333333333
Modulus: c =  1
Exponentiation: c =  64
FloorDivision: c =  1