Playwright Page Object Model

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In this article, we will learn about the page object model and how it is implemented in Playwright.

What's Page Object Model/POM?

  • Also commonly known as POM, it is a design pattern that stores web elements as a repository in a separate class file.
  • Each class file contains separate web page elements. In short terms, web pages are separated into each class file as shards and automated.


  • Easy to maintain as each class file have different locators for different pages.
  • It can be used again for another test with a custom helper method, so this has increased reusability.
  • As all tests are separated into shards, readability is good.


  • It takes time to build the framework initially.
  • A good understanding of code is required for POM.
  • A tiny miscalculation can destroy the whole test suite, as the elements are stored in a shared file.

POM In Action:

Let us create a separate class file for a login page from programsbuzz.

Playwright Page Object Model

1.) Setup

  • Create a folder with any name at the project level.
  • Create a .js file named LoginPage for easy understanding.
Playwright Page Object Model

2.) Class File Setup

class LoginPage 
    { = page;
       this.userName = page.locator("#edit-name");
       this.passWord = page.locator("#edit-pass");
       this.clickLogin = page.locator('//form[@id="user-login-form"]//input[@id="edit-submit"]');
   async goTo()
   async login(username,pass)
       await this.userName.type(username);
       await this.passWord.type(pass);
module.exports = {LoginPage};
  • Create a class with the same name as the file name.
  • Create a constructor within it.
  • When a constructor is created, and a variable is created within it attached to 'this,' it is called a class variable so that it can be accessible.
  • Inside the constructor, pass in the locators of our login page's username field, password field, and a login button.
  • Also, let it know that is equal to the page, which means that it is the page we will traverse.
  • Methods for visiting the URL and login are created for adding actions.
  • Finally, create an export module to let the project know that this class can be imported anywhere.

3.) Test

const {test, expect} = require('@playwright/test');
const{LoginPage} = require('../Pages/LoginPage');

test('ElementHandle', async ({page})=> 
    const name = "Naruto";
    const loginPassword = "SHazam";
    const lp = new LoginPage(page);

    await lp.goTo();
    await lp.login(name, loginPassword);
  • Now that the class file is created, import the class file LoginPage in our test.
  • Create an object for the class before beginning.
  • Now, all methods from a class file can be accessed using lp.
  • Remember to use await before the object.


This is what it takes to create a simple POM structure in Playwright using Javascript.