Integrate Allure Report with Playwright

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Apart from the default HTML report playwright generates after each test, when testers crave a more visually appealing report, there is one. This visually appealing report is called an allure report and can be easily integrated into the playwright.

Step 1: Install the allure playwright node package. This project implements Allure integration with Playwright Test framework.

npm i -D allure-playwright

Step 2: Install Allure Command Line. Allure Command line is a tool to generate Allure report from test results.

npm i -D allure-commandline

Integrate Allure Report with Playwright

We can see here that both packages are installed and is visible on our package.json file.

Step 3: Run test and generate allure results folder.

npx playwright test tests/LoginPO.spec.js --headed --project='chromium' --reporter=line,allure-playwright
  • Here reporter="line" will generate a report in plain text format in command npx playwright test
  • Once we get data in plain text that how many test cases pass/how many fail. Using this data allure generate the report with the help of command allure-playwright

playwright allure report

In case you do not want to specify reporter in command line, you can configure it from playwright.config.js file as well.

reporter: [['html'],['line'],['allure-playwright']],

Step 4: Generate allure report folder using allure-results folder.

npx allure generate ./allure-results --clean

allure playwright

We can see the allure report folder now. We use --clean to remove the already generated report data.

Step 5: Open Allure Report

npx allure open ./allure-report

Now allure report generated for the last test will get opened, and this is how the allure report looks like,

Integrate Allure Report with Playwright

Allure Report in Playwright