Difference between toBe() and toEqual() in Jasmine

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In this article, we will be seeing differences between toBe() and toEqual() in jasmine.

In Jasmine, toBe() and toEqual() are two different methods used to make test assertions.

  • toBe() is a matcher used to test for strict equality between two values. 
  • It checks if the value returned by the code is the same object as the expected value. 
  • This means that the values must have the same type and value.
expect(5).toBe(5); // passes
expect('hello').toBe('hello'); // passes
expect(5).toBe('5'); // fails
  • In the third example, the test fails because the values are not strictly equal since they have different types (a number and a string).
  • toEqual() is a matcher used to test for deep equality between two values. 
  • It checks if the value returned by the code equals the expected value by recursively comparing objects' properties and arrays' values.
expect(5).toEqual(5); // passes
expect('hello').toEqual('hello'); // passes
expect(5).toEqual('5'); // fails
expect([1,2,3]).toEqual([1,2,3]); // passes
expect({a: 1, b: 2}).toEqual({b: 2, a: 1}); // passes
  • In the third example, the test fails because the values are not profoundly equal since they have different types. 
  • In the last example, the test passes even though the order of properties is different in the actual and expected objects because the comparison is made recursively.


  • toBe() tests for strict equality.
  • toEqual() tests for deep equality.


  • toBe() checks if the value returned by the code is the same object as the expected value.
  • toEqual() compares the properties of the object and values of an array.


  • toBe() checks the same type and value.
  • toEqual() checks for the same value.


  • toBe() is used to test primitive values like strings and numbers.
  • toEqual() is used to test objects and arrays.


  • toBe() is faster than toEqual() since it performs simple equality checks.
  • toEqual() performs the recursive comparison.