Wrapper Class in Java

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In Java, there is a wrapper class that wraps or, we can call, encapsulates primitive datatype into an object.
They are converted in such a way that when there arises a situation for a need of objects such as collections and generic types or other object-oriented constructs.

Eight wrapper classes in Java correspond to the eight primitive data types:

int Integer
long Long
short Short
byte Byte
double Double
float Float
char Char
boolean Boolean

Why wrapper class?

  • The wrapper class is worthy because of its ability to convert primitive data types into objects.
  • Objects are useful when it is needed for the arguments to be modified.
  • Java.util classes only handle objects, so the wrapper class here is helpful.
  • The object is crucial for multithreading.
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        int a = 100;

        Integer intWr = new Integer(a);


        long b = 84848484;

        Long strWr = new Long(b);

  • Here we used the wrapper class to convert primitive value int and long to objects Long and Int.
  • Although this method approach is deprecated instead, we can use this.
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        int a = 100;
        Integer intWr = Integer.valueOf(a);
        long b = 84848484;
        Long strWr = Long.valueOf(b);