Python: Set Method List

 It is an unordered collection of items. Set items are unique and immutable. Python has a set of built-in methods that We can use on sets.

  • add(): It is used to add element in a set.
  • clear(): It is used to remove all elements from the set.
  • copy(): It returns the copy of a set.
  • difference(): It returns a set containing the difference between two or more sets.
  • difference.update(): It removes the items in the set that are also included in another, specified set.
  • discard(): It is used to remove the elements from the set.
  • intersection(): It is used to return the set which is intersection of two or more set.
  • intersection.update(): It is used to  removes the items in the set that are not present in other, specified set.
  • isdisjoint(): It is used to check that two sets are disjoint set or not.
  • issubset(): It is used to check if a set is subset of another set.
  • issuperset(): It is used to check if a set is superset of another set or not.
  • pop(): It is used to remove an element from the set.
  • remove(): It is used to remove the specified element from the set.
  • symmetric_difference(): It returns the set with the symmetric difference of two set.
  • symmetric_difference_update(): It is used inserts the symmetric differences from this set and another.
  • union(): It return a set containing the union of sets.
  • update(): It is used to add element to the set.