Pre-requisites for Selenium Python

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To utilize Selenium with Python, the following prerequisites must be met:


Python must be installed on your machine. The latest recent version of Python can be acquired from the official website.


You must also install Selenium, a Python library that allows you to automate web browsers. Python's package manager, Pip, can be used to install it. To install Selenium, use the following command:

pip install Selenium

Web Browser

Web browser must be installed on your computer machine. Selenium is compatible with various browsers, including Chrome, Firefox, Safari, and Internet Explorer. If you wish to use Chrome, you must first download the ChromeDriver. You must also download the web driver for your intended browser.

Integrated Development Environment (IDE)

While not technically necessary, using an IDE for writing and running Selenium scripts is advised. PyCharm, Visual Studio Code, and Eclipse are examples of popular IDEs.

Python knowledge

To use Selenium with Python efficiently, you must understand Python programming principles such as variables, functions, loops, and conditional expressions.