XPath stands for XML Path. It is W3C recommended technique used to identify and navigate nodes in an XML document. In automation, we use XPath to find elements on a webpage. Like any other language, Playwright supports XPath Selector and all its techniques and functions.
XPath selectors are equivalent to calling Document.evaluate(), where evaluate() is a method of the Document interface that selects elements based on the XPath expression given in parameters.
Note: XPath does not pierce shadow roots.
Table of Contents
Use the locator method, and inside single or double quotes, use your XPath selector or expression. A selector starting with a double forward slash (//) or double dots (..) is assumed to be an XPath selector. For example, Playwright converts '//html/body' to 'xpath=//html/body'. However, in some cases, like when you use a single forward slash / or single dot (.), you will get an error if you will not use xpath=.
For the demo, we will click on the search icon of programsbuzz using the XPath selector.
1. Without using xpath=
await page.locator("//button/i[contains(@class,'fa-search')]").click()
2. with xpath=, here xpath= is optional
await page.locator("xpath=//button/i[contains(@class,'fa-search')]").click()
3. with xpath mandatory
await page.locator("xpath=/html//button/i[contains(@class,'fa-search')]").click()
Here we are starting with single slash, you will get an error if you will remove xpath=.
4. Using XPath indexing
Here expression is starting with round bracket ( and xpath= is optional
await page.locator("(//button/i[contains(@class,'fa-search')])[1]").click()
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