Playwright Wait Until Element is Hidden

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toBeHidden() is a method in the Playwright library that can be used to check if an element is hidden or not. It is used in conjunction with Playwright's built-in assertion library.

For example, Let's assert that an element with the ID "my-element" is hidden:

  • This method can be used to check whether an element is hidden and returns true if the element is hidden and false otherwise.
  • It can help test UI elements, such as modals or drop-down menus, that are hidden by default and then shown when a user interacts with the page.
  • It also can be used in conjunction with other methods like toBeVisible() to check the visibility of an element.


  • We will use this programsbuzz page to hide the section and expect the topics present to be hidden.
await page.goto('')
const hide = await page.locator('div[class="paragraph paragraph--type--chapter paragraph--view-mode--default active"] div[class="field field--name-field-topic-name field--type-entity-reference field--label-hidden field__items"]')
await expect(hide).toBeVisible()
const hideTab = await page.locator('div[class="paragraph paragraph--type--chapter paragraph--view-mode--default active"] div[class="field field--name-field-chapter-name field--type-string field--label-hidden field__item"]');
await expect(hide).toBeHidden()

  • So first, we navigated to the respected page.
  • We stored the section topics in a variable hide.
  • Expected to be visible, which will return true.
  • Then when we hide the tab after a click on the up arrow of the main topic bar.
  • We should expect the whole sub-section to be hidden.
  • Which is what we did, and it was successful.