Parent XPath in Selenium

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In Selenium, an XPath expression can locate elements on a web page. The Parent XPath is an XPath expression that selects the parent of a specified element.

  • Here we can see from this HuntMCQ site we need to fetch texts of all the topics with their inner texts beneath them as well.
  • This can be done only by also fetching the parent "li."
  • Using the //parent::* or //parent::li can help us fetch the parent of an element from the child.
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
        ChromeDriver driver = new ChromeDriver();

        List<WebElement> parentEles = driver.findElements(By.xpath("//h3[@class='search-result__title']//parent::li"));

        for (WebElement parEle : parentEles) {

            String textsPar = parEle.getText();



  • Here we took the locator isolated with the parent, and then using an advanced for loop, we got texts of all the topics.