Navigate to URL in Playwright Java

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The navigate method is used to open the specified URL. The navigate command returns the primary resource response. 

Multiple redirects will resolve with the first non-redirect response.

Navigate will throw an error if:

  1. There is an SSL error.
  2. Invalid URL.
  3. Timeout exceeding during navigation.
  4. The remote server is not reachable.


Page.navigate(URL, options);



The string is passed here, and the arg is used to navigate to the page we want.
This should also include the scheme https://.


These are entirely optional.

Referer:- Referer header value can be provided as an option.
Timeout:- Timeout in milliseconds default is 30secs.
waitUntil:- Used to wait until dom content loaded, loaded, network idle, etc.


        Playwright playwright = Playwright.create();
        Browser browser = playwright.chromium().launch(new BrowserType.LaunchOptions().setHeadless(false));
        Page page = browser.newPage();

So this is how we can use navigate command and other arguments that can be used effectively.