MySQL Operator

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Some of the types of operators in MySQL are listed below.

1. Arithmetic Operator

  1. + = Add
  2. - = Subtract
  3. * = Multiply
  4. / = Divide
  5. % = Modulo

2. Bitwise Operator

  1. & = Bitwise AND
  2. | = Bitwise OR
  3. ^ = Bitwise Exclusive OR

3. Comparison Operator

  1. = = Equal To
  2. < = Less Than
  3. > = Greater Than
  4. <= = Less Than Or Equals
  5. >= = Greater Than Or Equals
  6. <> = Not Equal To

4. Compound Operator

  1. += = Add equals
  2. -= = Subtract equals
  3. *= = Multiply equals
  4. /= = Divide equals
  5. %= = Modulo equals
  6. &= = Bitwise AND equals
  7. ^-= = Bitwise exclusive equals
  8. |*= = Bitwise OR equals

5. Logical Operator

  1. ALL = TRUE if all of subquery values meet the condition
  2. AND    = TRUE if both the provided conditions are satisfied.
  3. ANY    = TRUE if any conditions get satisfied.
  4. BETWEEN = True if the range provided and the between values are satisfied.
  5. EXISTS = TRUE if subquery returns one or more records
  6. IN    = TRUE if the operand is equal to one of a list.
  7. LIKE = TRUE if the operand matches.    
  8. NOT    = Displays record if the condition is NOT TRUE    
  9. OR    = TRUE if any one of the conditions gets satisfied.
  10. SOME = TRUE if any of the conditions get satisfied.