MySQL: Numeric Functions List

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Here is the list of numeric functions in MySQL.

  1. ABS: Gives out the absolute value of a number.
  2. ACOS: Gives the arc cosine of a number.
  3. ASIN: Gives the arc sine of a number.
  4. ATAN: Gives out the arctangent of one or more numbers.
  5. ATAN2: Gives out arc tangent of multiple numbers
  6. AVG: This function returns the average value.
  7. CEIL: Gives out the smallest integer, >= to a number.
  8. CEILING: Gives out the smallest integer, >= to a number.
  9. COS: Gives the cosine of a number.
  10. COT: Gives the cotangent of a number.
  11. COUNT: Gives out the number of records returned by a select query.
  12. DEGREES: This function converts a value in radians to degrees.
  13. DIV: This function is used for integer division.
  14. EXP: Gives out e raised to the power of a specified number.
  15. FLOOR: Gives the enormous integer value that is <= to a number.
  16. GREATEST: This function returns the greatest value of the list of arguments.
  17. LEAST: This function gives out the smallest value of the list of arguments.
  18. LN: This one returns the natural logarithm of a number.
  19. LOG: This function returns the natural logarithm of a number or the logarithm of a number to a specified base.
  20. LOG10: This function returns the natural logarithm of a number to base of 10.
  21. LOG2: Function returns the natural logarithm of a number to base 2.
  22. MAX: This function returns the max value in a set of values.
  23. MIN: This function returns the min value in a set of values.
  24. MOD: Function returns the remainder of a number divided by another one.
  25. PI: Gives out the value of PI.
  26. POW: This function returns the value of a number raised to power of another number.
  27. POWER: This function returns the value of a number raised to the power of another number.
  28. RADIANS: This function converts a degree value into radians.
  29. RAND: Gives out a random number.
  30. ROUND: This one Rounds a number to a specified number of decimal places.
  31. SIGN: Function returns the character of a number.
  32. SIN: This function returns the sine of number.
  33. SQRT: Function returns the square root of a number.
  34. SUM: This function calculates the sum of set of values.
  35. TAN: Function returns the tangent of a number.
  36. TRUNCATE: This function truncates a number to the specified number of decimal places.