MySQL Grant Privileges

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If we want to grant some privileges over to a user's table, MySQL can do that. GRANT can give permissions to any combinations of SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE, INDEX, CREATE, ALTER, DROP, GRANT OPTION, and ALL.


GRANT privileges ON object FROM user;


  • Here are some of the privileges SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE, INDEX, CREATE, ALTER, DROP, GRANT OPTION, and ALL.
  • In these privileges, Grant has the power to take the ability to perform these queries off a user.


  • If a user named mary has all the privileges available granted to him.
  • One day, two specific privileges should be Granted on his table called accounts such as INSERT and SELECT.
Grant SELECT, INSERT ON accounts FROM 'mary'@'localhost';

Simple as that.

  • Say now, for example. We want to Grant all the privileges of mary's accounts table. We can use this.
Grant ALL ON accounts FROM 'mary'@'localhost';
  • Suppose there is a contact list of users, and you want to Grant UPDATE privileges to them. We can use this.
Grant UPDATE ON contacts FROM '*'@'localhost';


So simple as that, this is how Grant works.
