MySQL Distinct

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Used with the SELECT statement, the DISTINCT clause is used to fetch unique records from the table and remove duplicate records.


SELECT DISTINCT column_name  
FROM table_name  
[WHERE conditions]; 

Distinct MySQL Example

Let us see a real-time example of how this works. For this, we are going to use the info table.

distinct query in mysql

Let us fetch the unique cities alone without duplicates.

select distinct city from info;

mysql distinct rows

We can see that it retrieved the unique cities among the duplicates.

We will be fetching a unique city out of the info and adding the Name expression.

select distinct city, Name from info;

mysql query distinct column

We can see that we have passed in multiple distinct expressions. In this case, the column names and retrieved the unique record of city people are from.

This is how we can use the DISTINCT clause effectively.
