Load Testing of Single Page Media Applications in JMeter

Profile picture for user devraj

SPAs relive the servers of enormous load and bring faster responsiveness to the end user. Steps to Test a Playlist here http://angular.github.io/peepcode-tunes/public/

Step 1: Open JMeter

Step 2: Click on "Template" icon next to "new" icon

Step 3: Click on "Create"

Step 4: Save your test plan

Step 5: Right click on "HTTP(S) Test Script Recorder" and Enable it.

Step 6: Set your browser proxy to Port you have given in "Global Setting". Default it is 8888. Below is for Firefox 63 version. Set it according to screenshot. Don't forget to check "Use this proxy server for all protocol"

Step 7: Click on "Start" button

Step 8: Open URL http://angular.github.io/peepcode-tunes/public/

Step 9: Add Media Library/Songs using (+) on right side button and play some songs from left panel.

Step 10: Stop recording and run your test plan.
