JavaScript: Comparison Operators

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Hey, what is comparison? Y'all know that comparison is the distinction between two things, vary the ups and downs. Likewise, the comparison operator in javascript is the same, which distinguish / compare between the variables or values.

So say if we assign a value to a variable of name x.

1) == (Equal to)

This operator returns the equality of the logical condition of a variable. Let us see it in action with the if-else statement.

x = 100;

if(x == 100){
console.log("It's equal")
    console.log("Not equal")

Output: It's equal

2) != (Not Equal to)

This operator gives us the not equal comparison of the variable we give as the condition.

x = 120;

if(x != 100){
console.log("It's equal")
    console.log("Not equal")

Output: Not equal

3) === (Strict Equal To)

When we use this, the given condition should be strictly equal to the variable value and of the same type.

x = 100;

if(x === '100'){
console.log("It's equal")
    console.log("Not equal")

Output: Not equal

Because we declared x as integer type and not as a string since it has to be equal in type too, here 100 is not equal to '100' 

4) !== (Strict Not Equal To)

This operator is satisfied when the operand / value of the variable is equal, but the type is different or not equal at all.

x = 100;

if(x !== '100'){
console.log("if block executed")
    console.log("else block executed")

Output: if block executed

So here, it doesn't care about the type, meaning that this operator needs at least some match to be satisfied.

5) > (Greater Than)

If the value / operand of x is greater than the assigned value, then the condition is satisfied as true.

x = 100;

if(x > 100){
console.log("value is greater than 100")
    console.log("value is less than or equal to 100")

Output: value is less than or equal to 100

6) >= (Greater Than Or Equal To)

When the operand / value of x is greater or equal to the value assigned, this satisfies.

x = 100;

if(x >= 100){
console.log("value is greater than or equal to 100")
    console.log("value is less than 100")

Output: value is greater than or equal to 100

7) < (Less Than)

Quite the opposite of > this operator is satisfied when the assigned value is less or it'' returns false.

x = 100;

if(x < 100){
console.log("value is less than 100")
    console.log("value is greater than or equal to 100")

Output: value is greater than or equal to 100

8) <= (Less Than Or Equal To)

If the operand/value is lesser or equal to the assigned value, this satisfies.

x = 100;

if(x <=100 ){
console.log("value is less than or equal to 100")
    console.log("value is greater than 100")

Output: value is less than or equal to 100