JavaScript: Callback function

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In javascript callback functions are a very cool feature that is used often. A callback function in javascript can call other functions from within a function.

A function is a first-class object as we know where we can pass objects into functions as arguments. In the same way, we can pass other functions into a function as an argument.


var func1 = function()

var func2 = function(callback) 



var x = function() 
    console.log("Called From Within A Function")

var y = function(callB)
    console.log('The Callback Function')



The Callback Function
Called From Within A Function

Here is a simple example of a function x which is a normal function that is accessed via the next function y which was called via the parameter callB and was passed in the function name x within y as the argument. Which in turn called the function within another function.

So this is a simple example of how the callback function is working let us see a calculator example where we can understand how this is used practically in the real scenario.

Example: Calculator

So in a scenario where you wanna use the attribute another function has from a separate function and wanna be accessed via a separate function. We can use a callback in such a scenario.

let addition = function(x, y)
    return x + y;

let multiplication = function(x, y)
    return x * y;

let division = function(x, y)
    return x / y;

let modulus = function(x, y)
    return x % y;

let calculator = function(num1, num2, callBack)
    return callBack(num1, num2)

console.log(calculator(10, 5, addition))
console.log(calculator(10, 5, multiplication))
console.log(calculator(10, 5, division))
console.log(calculator(11, 5, modulus))


  • So here we have addition, multiplication, division, modulus functions each with its unique attributes to perform an arithmetic operation.
  • So here we can do the callback function of accessing every function's attributes from within a master function and perform each function operation separately from one place.
  • The callback function method is ideal to use here in such a place where the body of each function can be accessed via the parameter callBack when passed in with the required function name which we wanna call back.
  • Here, in this case, we have done a simple calculator using callback function where when the respective function is passed onto the callBack parameter as an argument it immediately invokes the function body above which we wanna access.