Java Localization

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Localization is critical to software development because it helps ensure the software is accessible and usable by the broadest possible audience. Java localization refers to adapting software applications to different languages, regions, and cultures. It involves developing software that can be used by people from other parts who speak different languages and have different cultural backgrounds.

They are usually represented by language, country, and variant abbreviations.

  1. de (German)
  2. it_CH (Italian, Switzerland)
  3. en_US_UNIX (United State, UNIX platform)

Why Localization?

  • With the same localized data, it can run worldwide.
  • Text, UI components, and status messages can be stored without source code and fetched dynamically.
  • New language support can be integrated.


  • In Java, the Locale class represents a specific geographical, political, or cultural region. It is part of Java.util package and provides information about formatting and display conventions for numbers, dates, times, and appropriate text for a particular locale.
    Locale locale = new Locale("en", "US");
        DateFormat dateFormat = DateFormat.getDateInstance(DateFormat.FULL, locale);
        Date date = new Date();
        String formattedDate = dateFormat.format(date);
  • Locale object represents English as it is used in the United States. 
  • The first argument ("en") specifies the language code, and the second argument ("US") specifies the country code.
  • Once you have created a Locale object, you can use it to format data according to the conventions of that locale.
  • DateFormat object is created using the getDateInstance() method, which takes two arguments: the first argument specifies the style of the date format (in this case, FULL), and the second argument specifies the Locale object to use. 
  • The format() method is then called on the dateFormat object to format the current date using the conventions of the specified locale.