Install Apache HBase on Windows 10

Hbase can be installed in three modes: standalone, Pseudo Distributed mode and Fully Distributed mode.

Procedure for windows

  1. Download an appropriate Symphony DE Windows (.msi) package.
  2. System policies of Windows 2008 and later versions require that you have local administrator permissions to install software. For more information, refer to the Symphony FAQs.
  3. Check communication ports.

    By default, Symphony DE uses ports 8000, 15050, 15051, 15052 and the Platform Management Console (PMC) uses 18080, 18005, 18009.

    From a Windows command prompt, enter:

    netstat -a

    If any of the ports are in use, install Symphony DE, then change the port numbers in conflict as explained in Changing port numbers for Platform Symphony Developer Edition.

  4. If you are using .NET or COM API, make sure you have local administrator privileges to register .NET or COM API assembly.
  5. When you click finish after accepting the default setting in the Installation Completed window, Getting Started: Developer Overview and Launch DE Platform Management Console (PMC) displays on your screen, and Symphony DE starts automatically.
  6. Log out and log in to the host to apply environment variable changes made during installation. During installation, the installer sets the Path and SOAM_HOME environment variables.
  7. Perform the following steps only if you are using .NET APIs:
    1. Open Administrative Tools > Microsoft .NET Framework version Configuration.
    2. Click Manage the Assembly Cache.
    3. Search for Platform.Symphony.Soam.Net.dll at the following location %SOAM_HOME%\7.1\win32-vc7\lib or %SOAM_HOME%\7.1\w2k3_x64-vc7-psdk\lib and open the .dll file to add it to the Assembly Cache.
    4. Click Add an Assembly to the Assembly Cache in the Assembly Cache window.
  8. Perform the following steps only if you are using COM APIs:
    1. If you did not install with administrator privileges, register Platform.Symphony.Soam.COM.dll, which is at the location %SOAM_HOME%\7.1\win32-vc7\lib\COM or %SOAM_HOME%\7.1\w2k3_x64-vc7-psdk\lib\COM with regsvr32:
      regsvr32 Platform.Symphony.Soam.COM.dll
    2. In the SoamExcelSample.xls spreadsheet, click Tools>Macro>Visual Basic Editor or press Alt+F11.
    3. In the Visual Basic window, click Tools>References and select Platform.Symphony.Soam.COM 1.0 Type Library.
    4. Click Browse and open Platform.Symphony.Soam.COM.dll from the location %SOAM_HOME%\7.1\win32-vc7\lib\COM or %SOAM_HOME%\7.1\w2k3_x64-vc7-psdk\lib\COM.


On hosts identified as HBase Master/RegionServers, type:

STEP 1: Download the Hadoop .tar.gz package from the Apache Hadoop download website.

STEP 2 : Select a directory to install Hadoop and untar the package tar ball in that directory. For example, to download the 2.4.x distribution, enter:

cd /opt
tar xzvf hadoop-2.4.x.tar.gz
ln -s hadoop-2.4.x hadoop

STEP 3 : Select a host to be the NameNode (for example, db03b10).

STEP 4 : As user hadoop, configure the environment:

export JAVA_HOME=/usr/java/latest
export HADOOP_HOME=/opt/hadoop-2.4.x
export PATH=$JAVA_HOME/bin:$JAVA_HOME/jre/bin:$PATH:$HADOOP_HOME/bin
export HADOOP_VERSION=2_4_x

STEP 5 : Specify the Java version used by Hadoop using the ${HADOOP_HOME}/conf/ script file. Change, for example:

# The Java implementation to use. Required.
export JAVA_HOME=/usr/java/latest

STEP 6 : Configure the directory where Hadoop will store its data files using the ${HADOOP_HOME}/conf/core-site.xml file. For example:

     <!-- NameNode host -->

STEP 7 : Ensure that the base you specified for other temporary directories exists and has the required ownerships and permissions. For example:

mkdir -p /opt/hadoop/data
chown hadoop:hadoop /opt/hadoop/data
chmod 755 /opt/hadoop/data

STEP 8 : Set values for the following properties using the ${HADOOP_HOME}/conf/mapred-site.xml. Set the host and port that the MapReduce job tracker runs at. For example:


STEP 9 : Set the maximum number of map tasks run simultaneously per TaskTracker. For example:



STEP 10 : Set the default block replication using the ${HADOOP_HOME}/conf/hdfs-site.xml. For example:


STEP 11 : If you plan on using the High-Availability HDFS feature (not available on the Developer Edition), configure the shared file system directory to be used for HDFS NameNode meta data storage in the hdfs-site.xml file. For example:


STEP 12 :  Repeat steps 1 to 5 on every compute host.

STEP 13 : Specify master and compute hosts. For example, in the 2.4.x distribution, the compute file is under the ${HADOOP_HOME}/etc/hadoop directory.