How to Refresh Page in Playwright Java

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You can use the page to refresh a page in Playwright using java.reload() method, which will reload the current page.




timeout: maximum operation time in milliseconds. The default is 0.
waitUntil: load|domcontentloaded|commit|networkIdle

domcontentloaded: When this event is fired, consider the operation finished.
load: When this event is fired, assess the operation to finish.
networkIdle: When there is no connection for at least 500ms, consider this operation completed.
commit: Consider it ended when the network loads up, and docs start loading.


        page.locator("//a[normalize-space()='JQuery Popup Model']").click();
        String textContent = page.locator("//p[normalize-space()='This is Sample Popup.']").textContent();
  • Here we used the reload to refresh the page as soon as it is navigated to load the webpage's contents clearly and visible after it reloads.