Handle Multiple Tabs in Playwright Python

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To work with many tabs in Playwright with Python, utilize the Page.contexts property to retrieve a list of browser contexts and then loop over each context to access the individual pages.


from playwright.sync_api import sync_playwright
def handle_multiple_tabs():
   with sync_playwright() as playwright:
       browser = playwright.chromium.launch(headless=False)
       context = browser.new_context()
       page1 = context.new_page()
       print("Page 1 URL:", page1.url)
       page2 = context.new_page()
       print("Page 2 URL:", page2.url)
       print("Switched to Page 1")
       page1.locator('#edit-name').type('Monkey D Luffy')
       print("Switched to Page 2")
  • We use playwright.chromium.launch() to launch the browser and browser.new_context() to generate a new browser context. 
  • We then use context.new_page() to create two tabs within the context and Page.goto() to navigate to distinct websites.
  • To transition between tabs, we use the context.pages list, which contains all of the context's open pages. 
  • Individual pages in the list can be accessed by their index. Context.pages[0] represents the first tab, whereas context.pages[1] describes the second.
  • By referencing the various page objects (page 1, page 2, etc.) and using Playwright's APIs, you may conduct operations on each Page, such as clicking items, filling forms, or extracting data.