Handle Multiple Tabs in Playwright Java

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In this article, we will see how we can handle multiple tabs on Playwright using java.

  • In Playwright, we can handle multiple tabs or pages using page instances created using browser context. 
  • A Page refers to a single tab or a popup window within a browser context. 
  • Switching or bringing the page to the front is not required in Playwright like Selenium because each page behaves like a focused or active page when referred to using its page instance. 
  • Also, Pages created using context respect context-level emulation, like viewport sizes, custom network routes, or browser locale.
  • For the demo, we will click on the By iVagus Services Pvt. Ltd. link in the copyright footer section of the programsbuzz website. After the click, a new tab will open with a different website, and we will get the title of the new and existing website using page instances.

package week4.day2;

import java.util.List;

import com.microsoft. Playwright.Browser;
import com.microsoft. Playwright.BrowserType;
import com.microsoft. Playwright.Page;
import com.microsoft. Playwright.Playwright;

public class Play {

    public static void main(String[] args) {

        Playwright playwright = Playwright.create();
        Browser browser = playwright.chromium().launch(new BrowserType.LaunchOptions().setHeadless(false));
        Page page = browser.newPage();


        page.waitForPopup(new Page.WaitForPopupOptions().setPredicate(p -> p.context().pages().size() == 2), () -> {


        List<Page> pages = page.context().pages();

        for (Page tabs : pages) {



        Page pbPage = pages.get(0);
        Page ivagusPage = pages.get(1);



  • So here there are two pages one is programsbuzz, and the other one, when clicked, is the iVagus site.
  • We first set waitForPopup and then setPredicate to 2, which means we are telling Playwright to wait for the popup, and the final result has two pages.
  • Then we save the pages in a list, and then, using an advanced loop, we iterate the pages.
  • This is one way of getting the total pages.


  • We will use the list returned pages variable to operate on a particular page back and forth.
  • Then we get the index of the two pages, programsbuzz and ivagus, and save them in a separate variable.
  • This time we can move between these pages and operate on them.