Handle Frame in Playwright Java

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The playwright provides several methods to handle and interact with frame or iframe elements.  This article will discuss handling frames when we encounter one using playwright java.

Frames are a shell for a webpage that contains contents within this shell. To access its content, we need to breach the outer shell.

  • Take this site, for example. Let us try to breach this middle Frame and enter a name and type some content inside of "Enter Your Suggestions."
  Playwright playwright = Playwright.create();
        Browser browser = playwright.chromium().launch(new BrowserType.LaunchOptions().setHeadless(false));
        Page page = browser.newPage();

        FrameLocator middleFrame = page.frameLocator("//frame[@src='message.htm']");

        middleFrame.locator("//input[@name='name']").type("Naruto Uzumaki");
        middleFrame.locator("//textarea[@name='suggestions']").type("I Am Inside The Frame");      
  • Using the frameLocator, we accessed the middle Frame by passing its xpath locator.
  • This enabled us to penetrate the Frame and do modifications inside it.

There are other ways of identifying frames using Frame, and we can also use a framelocator as we used here:

Get Frame using Name FrameSelector.


Get Frame using Name Option.

page.frame({name: "testframe"})

Get Frame using the URL option

page.frame({url: "http://autopract.com/selenium/form1/"})

Get Frame using Partial URL

page.frame({url: /form1/})