Frame Handling in Selenium

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Frames in Selenium refer to HTML frames, which allow multiple HTML pages to be displayed on a single web page. In Selenium, you can switch between frames using the following methods:

  • switchTo().frame(index) - switch to the frame at the specified zero-based index
  • switchTo().frame(name or id) - switch to the frame with the specified name or ID
  • switchTo().frame(WebElement) - switch to the frame containing the specified WebElement
  • This is the site we will use to play around with frames.


  • Let us first try to switch based on the index.
        ChromeDriver driver = new ChromeDriver();
        WebDriver frameEntry = driver.switchTo().frame(0);
        WebElement keysSend = frameEntry.findElement("tinymce"));
        keysSend.sendKeys("Ashwin is here");
  • As the frame from this site is in the zeroth index, we can use zero.
        WebDriver frameEntry = driver.switchTo().frame(0);


  • Let us try to switch using name or id.
        WebDriver frameEntry = driver.switchTo().frame("mce_0_ifr");
  • Here we have used "id" and did the same operation webdriver successfully identify the frame.


  • Let us try to use webelement to locate the frame and switch to it.
        ChromeDriver driver = new ChromeDriver();
        WebElement frame = driver.findElement(By.xpath("(//iframe[@id='mce_0_ifr'])[1]"));
        WebDriver frameEntry = driver.switchTo().frame(frame);
        WebElement keysSend = frameEntry.findElement("tinymce"));
        keysSend.sendKeys("Ashwin is here");
  • Here we used xpath for the frame, stored it in a variable, and passed it into the switchto frame.


That is much about frames, and if needed to go back outside the frame, use this.
