Find Cypress Specs

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Finding spec files in cypress can be easy when we know how to search for them using the below commands.

Table of Content

  1. Finding Spec File Using Config Settings
  2. Finding Spec File Against Branch
  3. Finding Spec File Against Parent Commit
  4. Finding Spec Files Count
  5. Finding Spec Files By Filtering Tag
  6. Finding Spec Files By Test Names
  7. Test Tags Filter Multiple

1. Finding Spec File Using Config Settings

npx find-cypress-specs
  • Prints all spec files separated by commas.

2. Finding Spec File Against Branch

npx find-cypress-specs --branch main
  • This prints all specs we can add --branch parameter to only isolate and print the specs changed against that origin/branch.

3. Finding Spec File Against Parent Commit:

npx find-cypress-specs --branch main --parent
  • When dealing with a long-term branch, changed files may not want to be seen in the main branch.
  • --parent can be passed only to pick the modified and added specs in the current branch.

4. Finding Spec Files Count:

npx find-cypress-specs --branch main --count
  • Prints the number of spec files changed against branch origin/main.

5. Finding Spec Files By Filtering Tag:

npx find-cypress-specs --branch main --tagged @test,@tester1
  • All changes specs can be filtered and report only the changes specs and include tags.
  • Print specs changes against origin/main and tests or suites inside tagged @test or @tester1.

6. Test Names:

npx find-cypress-specs --names
  • It can also print spec files with suit and test names.

7. Test Tags, Filter, Multiple:

npx find-cypress-specs --tags
  • Fetches the tags table count of individual tests using the --tags argument.
npx find-cypress-specs --names --tagged <single tag>4
  • Finds specs and tests filtered by a single specified tag.
npx find-cypress-specs --names --tagged <single tag>
  • Finds specs based on the provided multiple tags using --tagged argument.