Cypress Record Video

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In this article, we will discuss how we can record videos of tests in cypress.

Video Rec Setup And Format:

  • Cypress records video of specs on the command of cypress run.
  • Note that video record does not happen during cypress open.
  • If video recording is not needed, it can be turned off in the config file.
  • Video recording can be enabled or disabled with true or false.
  • Videos are, by default, stored in the cypress/videos folder.
  • We can change the directory destination using the videosFolder: option in config.
  • Cypress compresses the video by default in 32 CRF.
  • videoCompression: option can be used in config to enter the personal format.


  • After every successful run, videos are processed, compressed, and uploaded to the cypress cloud after every spec runs.
  • As we discussed, changing this behavior only to pass specs is an option.

Auto Clear:

  • Cypress auto-clears any existing video before the cypress run and uploads the new run spec video recording.
  • If videos are needed to be present without clearing before a run, we can set the trashAssetsBeforeRuns: option to false.


  • If a spec file has a long run, there will be a time gap between a finished spec and a new spec.
  • During this, the cypress encodes the captured video and uploads it to the cypress cloud.
  • If video encoding is slow or takes time, we can modify it using the videoCompression: option.
const { defineConfig } = require('cypress')
module.exports = defineConfig({
 videoCompression: 20,
  • We can also disable compression for fast compression.
const { defineConfig } = require('cypress')
module.exports = defineConfig({
 videoCompression: false,


  • Let us record this test.
describe('Type Command',()=>{
   before(() => {
       it('Type Username And Password',()=>{
  • We can see the video has been generated after the spec run.