Cypress Intercepting a Response

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In this article, we will see an exciting topic on how to intercept response in cypress.


       cy.intercept('GET', 'url', (req) => {
          //modify url

           req.continue((res) => {
             //play with response
  • We will modify the URL and check the response using the intercept to pass in the URL for intercepting.
  • For this, we will be using the reqres site.
  • Here is the URL with id=9.
  • We will list all users and then intercept with this id and get the response whether the id=9 page is loaded.
describe('Intercepting Gorestapi',()=>{

   it('Intercepting Route of users',()=>{
       cy.intercept('GET', '', (req) => {

           req.continue((res) => {
\            });
       cy.xpath('//span[@class="url"]').click({force: true})

  • Using the req object from intercept, we modified it to the required URL.
  • With the req object, we create another callback object res and expect the response to be 200.
  • We can see here that the id=9 page has been loaded, and the response code is also 200.


This is how we can play around with intercepting responses.