Cypress Intercept: Stubbing a Response

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In this article, we will be stubbing a response with a JSON body onto the reqres site via the post method and retrieving the response.

           method: 'POST', 
           url: '',
           middleware: false
       },(req) => {
           req.continue((res) => {
               res.send({ "name":"JohnWick",
         cy.xpath('//span[@class="url"]').click({force: true})
         cy.wait('@successfulAction').then(($resp) => {
           const acknowledgedDateTime = $resp.response.body 
  • Using the intercept, we pass the URL for POST, and via the req callback object from intercept, we create another called res and send a JSON payload to our post method.
  • Now clicking on the URL will trigger the intercept and post the payload.
  • Ultimately, we ask the alias successfulAction to wait and then fetch the response body.
  • We can see we are getting the response body we passed in.