Cypress clearCookie Command

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When the clearCookie command is used in cypress, it deletes the specified browser cookie.

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cy.clearCookie(name, options)

Arguments Used In clearCookie:

  • Name: The name of the cookie to be cleared should come here.
  • Options: Passing in the option will change the default behavior of cy.clearCookie().
    • Log: Displays commands in the command log
    • .Timeout: Time needed to wait for cy.clearCookie() to resolve.


  • cy.clearCookie() needs to be chained off of cy.
  • cy.clearCookie() does not support chaining assertions.
  • cy.clearCookie() will never timeout.
  • cy.clearCookie() yields null.


Usage Of clearCookie:

  • Clears the authID cookie.

For demonstration purposes, let us set a cookie and then clear it using the clearCookie command and asserting it as null to verify that it is removed.

cy.setCookie('session_id', '22193hewkwh4k4j343')

clear cookie cypress

  • First, we made sure that there were no cookies, to begin with.
  • Then we create a cookie session_id with its value.
  • Then asserting that it is present.
  • After that, the clearCookie command is used to wipe that session_id cookie and assert that the cookie has been wiped.