Configure Cypress Tests to Run on Multiple Environments Using Environment Variable and Custom Utility Class

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In this article, we will be running cypress tests on multiple environments using a utility class.

1.) Utility File Creation.

  • Go to your cypress/support folder and create a file called utility.js.
  • From the project root, it should be inside the support folder.
  • Name it utility.js.

2.) Utility Class.

  • When the environmental variable is passed from the command line, we need to return the URL from the class file.
  • Inside the utility.js, add the following code.
export class Utility {
   getBaseUrl() {
       let envi = Cypress.env('ENV'); 
       if (envi == 'production') 
           return ""; 
       else if (envi == 'staging')
           return "";
       else if (envi == 'qa')
           return "";
  • envi gets the value of the environmental variable 'ENV.'
  • The simple if else is passed based on envi.
  • The function getBaseUrl() is created here, which will return a single URL based on the ENV we pass in the cmd line.

3.) Import Utility Class And Pass URL.

  • Our introductory utility class is now ready; we need to run this from the spec file.
  • Create a spec file and import the utility class.
import { Utility } from "../../support/utility";
Then write a simple visit test.
import { Utility } from "../../support/utility";
const url = new Utility().getBaseUrl();
describe('Verify Environment Config' + url, () => {
   it('Verify Environment', () => {
       cy.visit(url); //use url variable
  • Object for the Utility class is created and then passed within the visit.

4.) Run

  • Now that all is done, let us run the utility class by providing the environment it needs to be run.
npx cypress run --spec cypress\e2e\Tests\ --env ENV='production'
  • This will run
  • Likewise, we can change the ENV to the names we provided in the utility.


  • This is how we can run the cypress test on the different environments using a simple utility class.